Rating with the FINCODA barometer

Using the O R C E Method

To rate behaviour accurately, you need a frame of reference that you apply systematically. Here are some recommendations for using the frame of reference when rating students or employees:

You can achieve a sound rating result by following the steps below:

  • Observe
  • Recall
  • Classify
  • Evaluate


Observe carefully using the rules and procedures you have learned in Behaviour Observation Training. If you are not sure how to observe or avoid typical errors, consult the respective parts of the Behaviour Observation Training and/or the Rater Error Training.


During the observation process take notes of behaviour. Prepare a sheet with “who, when, what” information. When observing just write down in behavioural terms what you see or hear, e.g. a quotation or a neutral description of nonverbal behaviour. Note as much as possible, including a behaviour’s intensity (the grade of expression). This will help you recall the observation and support your final evaluation, especially when you observe several people at once.


Now use the frame of reference to assign observations to dimension and/or items. Use the FINCODA barometer. After you have documented a behaviour’s frequency (how often it appeared) and intensity, assign the behavioural descriptions from your notes to the appropriate dimensions and/or items


Use the Fincoda Barometer with the relevant dimensions and/or items, based on your documented observations, to assess the ratees.

Additional feedback

Although giving feedback is not part of the ORCE method you might wish to give some to your ratees. After each of the assessment tasks below, there are recommendations for people with high, average, and low scores. Use these to provide feedback.


The O R C E method provides a basis for assessing people and for following training exercises (assessment tasks). The next Frame of Reference training unit contains 9 assessment tasks of increasing difficulty. Click on Assessment Tasks in the navigation bar and start your assessment training.