Session 02: Social relations – a network perspective

EduBox 03 – Session 02

Social relations – a network perspective

Social relations are not only a complex phenomenon, but are also currently undergoing tremendous changes with regard to their structure, localisation and maintenance.
Understanding and perceiving a person as a networked individual is an approach which makes this complexity visible and thus helps us to understand them better, a basic requirement for any meaningful intervention.
The purpose of this session is therefore to highlight some of the changes in the structure of social relations and to introduce the perspective of a networked individual in order to enhance understanding of how social relations work.

A Laptop, a writing pad, a pen and in the background a chart with post-its

Session Plan Version 1.0
Here you can find a session plan for your lessons using the material that can be found in this EduBox.

Slides Version 1.0
Here you can find the slides concerning the main topic.

an illustration of a family, dining together on christmas

Assignment 01:
“Social relations under the influence of globalisation, towards a social network approach” by Adelheid Iken and Peter Witchalls

Video: Social relations towards a network approach

Download the video here: